


Volume Components

These are the various possible components for this entity

Name Type Default Value Description
minecraft:fog Displays the given fog whenever a player enters the volume. Each volume can only have one fog attached.
Name Type Default Value Description
fog_identifier String The identifier of a fog definition. Note that you will not receive any feedback if the definition does not exist.
priority Integer INT_MAX The priority for this fog definition setting. Smaller numbers have higher priority. Fogs with equal priority will be combined together.
minecraft:on_actor_enter Component that defines what happens when an actor enters the volume. Can contain multiple json objects.
Name Type Default Value Description
on_enter Array Required array that contains all the triggers.
Molang expression to test against the actor. The given event will be triggered if the expression evaluates to true.

Name of the event to run.

One of "self" or "other". Self means the event is attached to the volume. Other means the event is attached to the actor.

minecraft:on_actor_leave Component that defines what happens when an actor leaves the volume.
Name Type Default Value Description
on_leave Array Required array that contains all the triggers.
Molang expression to test against the actor. The given event will be triggered if the expression evaluates to true.

Name of the event to run.

One of "self" or "other". Self means the event is attached to the volume. Other means the event is attached to the actor.

Volume Definition Properties

The properties of a minecraft:volume entity. All components are optional.

Name Type Default Value Description
format_version String Specifies the version of the game this entity was made in. Minimum supported version is 1.17.0. Current supported version is 1.21.0.



  "format_version": 1.17.0,
  "minecraft:volume": {
    "description": {
      "identifier": "your_custom_namespace:sample_volume"
    "components": {
      "minecraft:fog": {
        "fog_identifier": "minecraft:fog_savanna",
        "priority": 1

Volume Description Properties

The description contains a single 'identifier' string

Name Type Default Value Description
identifier String The unique identifier for this volume. It must be of the form 'namespace:name', where namespace cannot be 'minecraft'.

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